Business Writing Components
Business world obliges its workers to be good at professional writing. In other words, business writing refers to the major influences on an effective workplace. Employers and employees in different industries are involved in extensive writing, be it a formal report or routine mailing to their colleagues. Regardless of the situation, you always have to take into account the tone, style, content, audience, and purpose of writing. Moreover, business papers should always be concise and up-to-the-point. The writer should make an attempt to persuade the reader. Therefore, it is obligatory to get rid of excessive passive voice usage and refer to personal pronouns “I,” “you,” “we” as much as possible.
Preferred Citation Style
If to look at the business writing tips, you will see that the most commonly used citation style is APA (American Psychological Association). It is an author-date method of referencing, whereas writers are suggested not to refer to endnotes and footnotes. If you want to cite the borrowed idea, the citation will look like this (Waley, 2011). If you want to present a direct quote, you will have to mention the page number as well and the citation will look like (Waley, 2011, p. 98). If you would like to learn more about this citation style, please refer to the Purdue Owl website.
Common Home Assignments
If you specialize in business and business administration, you will face a number of writing tasks in your studies that will entail:
Memorandum is a brief document or letter that presents the basic details about the agenda, deadlines, and other important events in the company. In memoranda, workers do not have to show the highest degree of formality and write using informal vocabulary, especially if they write these letters to colleagues. Thus, it is always essential to pay attention to the audience because it does make a difference if you want to contact your colleague or manager. If you want to learn more about effective business writing and how to write decent memoranda, surf the net for the most detailed writing guidelines and samples, which will teach you to become a successful writer in the business.
Business Letter differs much from the memorandum since here writer should write in a formal way. One of the business letters is a “cover letter.” Before writing business letters, you should question yourself “what is business writing.” If you do not have any clear answer, then you should probably read some background literature to know more details about business letter writing. There are different standards for writing letters in business. However, all letters should include the heading – date and address, salutation, the text itself (a couple of body paragraphs) and ending. In business letters, the writer should prove that he/she is competent enough to discuss the issue. It can be done with the usage of special terminology. Do not hesitate to find some examples of business letters to know for sure how to organize your paper.
Case Analysis is the most commonly seen home assignment since students have to discuss a specific problem and base their ideas on the theories that they have already learned in the class or at home. In this writing type, a student should briefly present a summary of the issue and then proceed with the discussion of the problem in his/her own words. Then, there is a need to introduce different solutions to the problem and prioritize them by focusing on their effectiveness. The last part of case analysis should be the justification of your choice of the most appropriate solution. You should appeal to reasoning and evidential support in your claims. Please strictly follow the abovementioned business writing format.
Business Proposal is a type of writing task that requires discussion of a problem and then analysis of its possible solutions. As in the previous business assignments, you have to provide a context or define the problem and suggest possible solutions (propose definite steps). Your professor can ask you to write either solicited or unsolicited business proposals. The choice of each depends largely on the type of home assignment, so please get back to your task file to be sure what to describe in your business proposal.
Business Writing Help: Elements to Consider
- Know your purpose. Keeping in mind the purpose of your business document, you will know your direction, reference, and path. Besides, it will help you select the right tone, voice, and structure of your document. In other words, by knowing your purpose, you will be able to organize your writing process properly. For instance, if the purpose of your business letter is to invite the employees to the event that will analyze the further strategy of the company, you should not write too long and formal sentences. On the contrary, your letter should answer three main questions – what? why? and when? Since your letter will be rather short, you need to make it as clear and concise as possible. Including the irrelevant information, you will make your recipients spend much time reading whereas you should not forget that in a business setting, time is the most valuable resource. In order to define how your memo should look like, you need to understand its purpose. Usually, memos are written for the following purposes:
- to inform;
- to invite;
- to persuade;
- to confirm;
- to reject;
- to approve;
- to argue;
- to suggest.
- Know your audience. Another important aspect that should be considered in business writing is the audience. Knowing your target audience, you will find it easier to understand what information should be included in your letter. For instance, when your target audience is your boss, you need to keep your letter formal and clear. However, when you send your business letter to your employees inviting them to your corporate party, inserting appropriate jokes will not be a problem. Either way, in business writing, you should try to avoid touching upon any religious, race, and other sensitive issues that would make both you and your audience feel uncomfortable. After all, respecting your co-workers will help you make the working process smoother. Below, you will find the suggestions that will help you be more focused on your audience:
- If you are sending a letter to another company, make sure to find out its mission, vision, and values. If your letter reflects all these things, most probably, it will bring you the anticipated outcome. You may find these data surfing the company’s website or social media networks;
- If you are sending a memorandum to a particular person, make sure to learn their preferences, interests, or problems they may encounter. Addressing at least one of these points in your letter, you will find it easier to reach your goal. Moreover, it will make your letter sound interesting and memorable;
- Take a look at the communication patterns existing in the company. Familiarize yourself with the business letters, press releases, and other documentation that will help you understand how to find the best way to convey your messages.
- An article in Business Insider suggests answering the following questions to create a good business document:
- Will the reader care about the letter?
- How will the recipient benefit from the letter?
- When should the reader do it? (if a letter expresses a call to action);
- What happens if the recipient takes action?
- What happens if the recipient does not take action?
- Who else can benefit from the letter? In what ways?
- Where the recipient can find additional information?
- Keep your grammar correct. Yes, business writing rules are quite different from the ones of academic writing. However, you should realize that obvious grammar mistakes will significantly affect the impression of your recipient about the letter. Thus, if you have enough time, make sure to read it again and rewrite all the awkward or irrelevant sentences that may compromise the paper’s quality. Perhaps, some sentences could be combined into one if they have the same meaning.
We assure you that these professional writing tips will help you understand what to write in your paper.
Business writing is always characterized by clarity. Therefore, whereas making mistakes in academic writing lead to poor grades, when it comes to effective business writing, they lead to failures. All in all, by polishing your business witting skills, you will significantly increase your chances to succeed in a business environment.
10 Efficient Ways to Improve Your Business Writing Proficiency
Writing in business has specific features, however, we will provide you with good recommendations that will enhance your writing skills.
- Before you send a copy of your letter to your recipients, take a minute to visualize yourself in their shoes. Try to imagine what your recipient would like and you will be able to write a letter that will fit the interests and preferences of your addressee. The more research you invest in defining the preferences of your target audience, the better result you get. It`s easy!
- Avoid using buzzwords and acronyms. While you may find these words easy and understandable, they may be quite annoying and confusing for your recipient. Try to avoid highly academic language as it is a violation of professional business writing standards;
- Try not to use passive voice. Using an active voice is a better strategy since it expresses confidence and decisiveness. Thus, instead of saying “The company’s strategy will be discussed in the upcoming meeting,” you may say “We will discuss all the confusing and unclear moments on the upcoming meeting.”
- Make your letter interesting and appealing. If you believe that business writing is always boring, it is not true. On the contrary, being too bureaucratic and formal, you will not be able to interest your reader. Even if you are writing your letter to many recipients, try to sound as personal as possible. Write your letter as if you are addressing a specific customer and you will be able to engage all your readers positively;
- Try not to hyperbolize. Thus, instead of saying, “We are the most trusted company in the world,” you can personalize the testimonial and say, “Ted Johnson, a Vice President at the UPG Company says that we are the most trustworthy company.”
- Engage your recipient emotionally turning the features into benefits. Here is an example of a benefit-oriented statement: “Our department is working on improving the service that will provide you with security, confidence, and comfort. You can be sure that your competitors won`t get access to the benefits that will be available to you.” If you are not certain what business writing components should be included in your paper, make sure to find the successful samples that will help you understand how a successful business letter should look like.
- Do not rely on fast editing. If your business document is very important, we recommend you print it and read it aloud. In case you find any awkward sentences, make sure to delete or paraphrase them to strengthen your point. What is more, by reading your memo or letter out loud, you will be able to notice and fix all the typos, as well as grammar and spelling flaws. We assure you that a proofread letter has better chances to bring you the expected outcome;
- Always write from the perspective of your client. A good technique is to start your letter by praising the company of your client. Instead of telling how good your company is, you should say something pleasant about the recipient of their workplace. We assure you that this technique will help you grab their attention and make them keep reading your letter. To put it simply, do not overburden your paper with many “I” or “Our company” as it will make your letter sound too selfish. If you want to reach your goal, you should use more “you” and “your team.”
- Remember that business writing has nothing in common with writing poetry, so using flowery language is not quite appropriate. Thus, we recommend you choose the most important points of your message and focus on them not to bother your reader with unnecessary details.
- Always try to be clear, concise, and straight-to-the-point. At the end of the letter, make sure to write what you expect from your recipient. For instance, you may write “Considering all the points mentioned above, I would like to ask you to visit this event and express your position there.”
Additional Business Writing Tips
If you feel that you are not very good at writing for business purposes, do not hesitate to hire a professional assistant, who will create your business letter or a memorandum instead of you. Having excellent better business writing skills, this expert will help you receive the expected outcome relieving your stress and frustration.
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