Marketing Assignments

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Marketing Assignment 1

“The most common mistakes companies make with global marketing”
(Harvard Business Review)

Instructions for Assignment

Section 1: Summary(ies)

2-3 paragraphs of Article 1

Please remember that I should be able to understand the article based on your summary only.

one summary for Article 1.

Section 2: Relevance/influence of the event(s)/article. After each summary,

Relevance and/or Influence (need at least 2-3 quality paragraphs): address how each event/company/article in each article can influence (or already influenced) international marketing in general (e.g., influence on the company in the article, consumers, competitors, marketing trends, etc.)

*You should address each relevance or influence for each summary.

This section requires your deeper understanding and application of the marketing concepts covered in class to the current event/article. Therefore, your deeper understanding of marketing concepts is critical for this assignment (Do not repeat the summary!).

Organization of Each Assignment

  1. Provide the title for each article and your name.
  2. The whole assignment should be at least 3-5 pages in length (double-spaced, Times New Roman, and 12-font only).
  3. Not following the instructions will lower your grade for this assignment.
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