Physical Education Assignments
Physical Education Specialized Content
Select 1 specific standard outcome from Standard 1 and Standard 4 (example, Middle School S1.M21 and S4.M3)
We all need to make sure our PE lessons align with the national standards. This helps keep us, as teachers, focused on what our students are supposed to learn from our programs AND it is an important step in validating that we are committed to providing high-quality physical education to our students — we are NOT just rolling out the ball and sitting back, surfing the web while kids do whatever in the gym.
You must select 1 specific standard outcome from Standard 1 and Standard 4 (for example, Middle School S1.M21 and S4.M3) and justify why these two standards are worthy of being included in a secondary physical education program. You must cite at least 1 research article in this section of your paper. Then describe an age-appropriate activity THAT IS NOT A SPORT that you could include in your schedule that nicely addresses both standards. Point out how the standards are met through your activity. This is also an opportunity to begin working on one of the lesson plans required for your final project. Think about how the activity you discuss here can fit into the course you described in Task 2.
Part 1: justify why these two standards are worthy of being included in a secondary physical education program.
You must cite at least 1 research article for each outcome in this section of your paper.
Part 2: Describe an age-appropriate activity THAT IS NOT A SPORT that you could include in your schedule that nicely addresses both standards. Point out how the standards are met through your activity.
Your activity can be a lead-up to a sport skill but you cannot simply say they will play a traditional game of soccer, as an example.
Physical Education Course Description
Write up a 50-60 word description of a PE course that you might find in a middle school or high school PE program.
Do your own research: Investigate some course descriptions for middle school and high school physical education classes.
Examples might include: Adventure Activities, Fitness and Conditioning, Foundational Fitness, Recreational/New Games.
If possible, in order to look at a nice variety, find at least two in the district within which you currently reside and two from another state or country. Read their descriptions and think about what is being communicated through these. For instance, do you see a connection to educational standards? Do you see any marketing efforts to sell the fun or excitement of being physically active while learning about this topic within physical education? How would you improve it?
Create your own course title and description (50-60 words).
Write up your own description of a course that could be taught at the secondary level.