African-American Studies

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Personal Pledge Infographic Guidelines

Overview: The purpose of this final assignment is to get you to reflect on what you have learned and experienced this semester and then decide what your personal pledge will be for the next year or beyond. The expectation is that you embrace a personal behavior change. Some of you will embrace a brand-new personal behavior that will help advance social justice for African Americans. Others will pledge to expand/enhance a personal behavior that you already possess as you continue to advance social justice for African Americans.

Steps to help you process your thoughts about how you will use what you have learned to develop a personal pledge.

1) Reflect and/or discuss with others things you have learned about the African American journey.

2) Prioritize some of the things you learned that concern you the most. They can be big or small, micro or macro in nature.

3) Consider your personal position, power, and resources (or your access to power and resources) that would serve to support you or guide you in making a difference with one or more of the concerns near the top of your priority list.

4) Put into words what you pledge to do for the next 12 months or beyond.

5) Put into words what outcomes you would like to see as a result on taking this personal pledge.

Hint: Do not “bite off more than you can chew”. Make sure it is feasible (reasonably doable). You want to choose something that you can continuously do over a 12-month period or longer. Do not pledge to do something so lofty or complex that the personal behavior changes would likely fizzle out within days or weeks.

Instructions for the infographic.

a) Include a “personal pledge” statement

b) Use pictures and graphic art to demonstrate your personal pledge

c) Include a “desired outcome” statement

Note: The personal pledge and desired outcome statements can be simply written/typed statements at the beginning and then at the end of your infographic respectively or you can incorporate them into the graphics of your infographic. BE CREATIVE!!!

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