International Relations

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Why study nonstate actors as a field of international politics? Will this persist in the future or do you see a swing back to sovereignty as the key organizing principle for the field?

The study of international society is marked by rules, power, and ideas. While they are not mutually exclusive, these schools of thought try to explain how the world works. Which has the most explanatory power and why?

How might nonstate groups like businesses, terrorists, religious groups, resistance groups, criminal organizations, and protest movements capitalize on changes in state sovereignty and the rise of globalization? Give examples identifying specific strategies of actors in this context.

An undercurrent theme of this course is that the political economy of globalization has provided a structural change to actors in international society. How?

(Optional Extra Credit) What theme, concept, or idea from the class was most significant for you and that you will take with you into the remainder of your academic career? Be specific.

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Steps of Creating a Thoughtful Response to This Assignment

Step 1: Understand the Assignment
This assignment calls for a nuanced analysis of international politics with a focus on nonstate actors. You’ll be evaluating the role of nonstate actors in the international landscape, the transformational effects of globalization, and the potential impact on state sovereignty.

Step 2: Research
Start by reading academic articles, books, and reliable online resources on nonstate actors and their role in international politics. Be sure to cover various aspects such as businesses, religious groups, criminal organizations, and more.

Step 3: Formulate Your Arguments
To answer each question, you’ll need to formulate a clear argument backed by evidence and examples.

  • Write about the importance of studying nonstate actors, providing examples of their influence in international politics. Discuss the future trajectory of this field. Do you think it will persist or will there be a resurgence of state sovereignty?
  • Consider the theories that dominate international society studies – rules, power, and ideas. Argue which of these has the most explanatory power and provide reasons for your choice.
  • Analyze how nonstate groups might exploit changes in state sovereignty and the rise of globalization. Offer real-world examples to illustrate their strategies.
  • Explain how the political economy of globalization has led to structural changes in the actors involved in international society.

Step 4: Write Your Responses
Begin crafting your responses in a cohesive, logical, and engaging manner. Be sure to provide detailed answers, using evidence to support your points. Remember to avoid repetition and use diverse vocabulary and sentence structures.

Step 5: Review and Refine Your Work
Once your initial draft is complete, reread your work, checking for coherence, clarity, and conciseness. Make sure your grammar and punctuation are correct.

Step 6: (Optional Extra Credit) Reflect
For the optional extra credit question, think about what you’ve learned in this course that you’ll carry forward into your future studies. Be specific about why this theme, concept, or idea is significant to you.

Step 7: Proofread
Finally, proofread your assignment for any spelling or grammatical errors before submitting it.

Remember, each of these steps is an integral part of creating a thoughtful and well-crafted response to your assignment. Good luck!

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